The kids have been on Spring Break and I have to say that I’m loving it! I feel refreshed! The laundry is still piled high but I’m okay with that. It is truly amazing what some rest and relaxation can do! So we’ve been enjoying the company of friends and family and taking it easy!
What I’m Celebrating
Every Tuesday for the past five years we’ve served pizza down in Waikiki. Anyone can have a slice if they’re willing to wait in line. We like it like that. It feels like something Jesus would do. His time, love and attention were given freely to anyone who wanted it. So naturally, anyone who wants pizza can come. This Tuesday, a man waited to talk to RK to thank him.
He had been sitting there under the pavilion where were serve pizza on the previous Tuesday. He was a tourist from Iran. He had been sitting there watching the sunset when we began serving pizza. When the line had died down he asked RK about the pizza and RK invited him over to have some. When the man got up to get the pizza he was in noticeable pain. So, RK asked if he could pray for him. He accepted prayer and then sat back down with his slice.
The following Tuesday, he sought RK out to thank him. His back had improved significantly. He kept smiling and telling those around us what had happened. We got to share Jesus’ love for him. I love that. It makes it all worth it.
What I’m Watching
The kids and I watched the animated movie All Creatures Big and Small again. I just love this movie. It’s the story of the flood and Noah’s Ark seen from the perspective of the animals. Noah is never seen. I think I enjoy it because it is really a story about growing up and about finding your true identity. The villains can be a bit scary (so if you have really little ones you might want to shield their eyes). Side note: I made the mistake of letting the kids watch this movie the last time we had a flash flood warning. The kids were so upset that we were going to be swept away in a flood or get separated. We can laugh about it now!
What I’m Laughing About
The other night my mom watched my kiddos and Bubs didn’t want to brush his teeth. She asked Keahi to talk to him. She looked at him and asked, “Do you want to get cavities?!” He quickly agreed to brush his teeth. 🙂
What I’m Loving
My hubby is pretty special. I’ve had plenty of time to enjoy his company this week. He’s been putting hearts on the bulletproof lattes he makes me in the morning. Cute yeah?!
Spring Break has really given me an excuse to let my hair down and have a little fun. My cousin Matt was visiting with his wife and kids and we were able to spend some time with them. I really love spending time with my family.

My sister Jess beat all the “townies” to the Elk’s Club. LOL! And Baby Juliette made a guest appearance!
We went to the Elk’s Club and hung out pool side. We got to see a Hawaiian Monk Seal who was hanging out on the beach. Apparently, you cannot get closer than 150 feet as they are protected by law. She pretty much slept on the beach the entire day!
We drove out to Kapolei and visited my Grandma Vivian. They had a really big courtyard at the place she’s been staying at where we could spend some time talking story with Grams. After our visit with Grams we went to iTrampoline and did some jumping around. This was the first time that I got to go jumping. Bubs was a baby the last time we went. I had so much fun! And I laughed so hard watching RK do all his tricks! I wish I could post a video here. He’s pretty good on those trampolines!
My Dad always said that I was rich in family and I completely agree. We’ve had such a fantastic week! It almost makes it okay that I’m not going to Disneyland. I hope you hear the sarcasm in that statement. Sometimes I get nostalgic when I hang out with my family and I get to thinking of my Dad. He’d say, “Why would I go to Disneyland when I live in paradise?” This time he was right. He would’ve enjoyed this week. In the end, you don’t get to take stuff with you. Nobody ever leaves this world wishing they had worked more. So, I’m thankful for this week. I’m thankful for my family and for rest. I am truly blessed.