What I’m Celebrating
Our girls started their own church today at 6 and 7 years old. I can hardly believe it. I love it!
Last week Sunday as I was walking to church and I started thinking that our kids really should be doing church. I wasn’t exactly sure what that would look like but I decided to talk to RK and the kids about it. After church I talked to Kalena and she said she had been feeling like she should be reading a Bible passage to everyone. I took that as confirmation and talked to RK about it. He loved the idea.
So, RK rounded up the kids and taught them how to do church. They made up motions so that they’d remember the steps. We like to tell our church that church is simply a gathering of believers who are devoted to the study of God’s Word and pray and share a meal together. That is church. It’s not a building. The church is made up of followers of Jesus. Jesus people doing Jesus things (as Bucko, from our church, likes to say).
They memorized the following parts of the service complete with hand motions:
- Fellowship – Hang out with each other
- Eat – Share a meal together (usually doughnuts at our church)
- Read – Study the Bible
- Pray – Pray for one another
- Go – Send them out to make their own group of believers
So they had their own church service today. Kalena organized the fellowship time to include the making of bookmarks. They shared doughnuts and drank cups of milk in Starbucks cups. Kalena read several Bible passages. They prayed for each other. And they ran around screaming, chasing birds and playing with one another. Their church looked like fun! To say I was proud would be an understatement!
What would it be like if we really let our kids take the reigns at church? They were wonderful! They were actually excited about going to church. All week, they were counting down the days and squealing with giddy anticipation. I can’t remember the last time they were this excited about church. I have to say it felt amazing. It felt as though we had given them something they were always meant to have. They were given ownership and leadership and responsibility and they ran with it!
What I’m Loving
Well, I’m officially blond again. Sort of. I went and got my annual haircut and ombre hair coloring done. RK likes it when my hair is blond. And since I love RK–and I really like my ombre–I’m blond again. The ombre just works for me because I only do my hair once a year. Literally. Pretty much. And it just suits me. I’m mixed and have European, Polynesian and Asian blood so it just feels right. My hair is the outward expression of my inner confusion. Like when I fill out those forms where you’re only supposed to check one box for your ethnicity. Right…like that’s not confusing. So I’m loving my hair.
We’re still doing the Ketogenic Diet. RK and I started back in January and he’s been going strong. I cheat every now and again. I really love how I feel on this diet. I’ve lost over 10 pounds since January. He’s lost something like 40! Crazy right?! I’ve also improved my cholesterol and reversed my pre-diabetes. That was a huge deal for me. We’ve been making different ketogenic foods like Butter Cake (which I LOVE) and Chocolate Chip Cookies and Tacos with cheese tortillas (Amazing!!!). I’m loving the way I feel on this diet. I love that I hardly ever feel hungry. And I love that my mood is pretty even keel these days. Life is good.