October has been another fun month!

I started off teaching in the DTS (Discipleship Training School) at YWAM Honolulu.  I do a week of teaching on Discipling Nations, Evangelism, Healing the Sick, Casting Out Demons & the Holy Spirit.

Teaching DTS is one of my favorite things to do in the world!

Healed of Food Allergies

After talking a bit about the Holy Spirit I began to get words of knowledge for healing and we started to pray for different people around the room.  During lunch a group of the students told me to ask one of the other students what was happening.  When I asked her, she was eating watermelon all happy and began to explain to me how she couldn’t do this before because she was allergic to all sorts of melons.

This reminded me of another miracle that happened during the School of Missions & Evangelism where one of the students was healed of a major peanut allergy.

Transform Our World Conference

We also just finished the Transform Our World Global Conference.  Every year people come from all over the world to hear stories of what God is doing through the International Transformation Network.  It’s amazing to hear stories of transformation like what happened in Juarez.  Which was the most dangerous city in the world just 3 years ago and has had such a drastic change that this last year kidnappings were down 100% and violent crime has dropped more than 90%.  Everyday we get to hear reports like this from places like Thailand and Indonesia and Papa New Guinea & even Canada!

Waitresses Healed

Anyways…during the meals I really wanted to bless our waiters and waitresses and asked God to heal one of them by the end of the week.

The next morning as one of the waitresses walked by I got a word of knowledge that she had pain in her elbow.  I called her over and asked if she had pain and she confirmed that she did.  As I explained that God spoke to me and wanted to heal her, she let me pray for her and her arm got better!  10 minutes later she brought me another waitress over and told me she was having head pressure and pain and prayed for her and she was feeling better too.  Then during one of our breaks I received another world of knowledge that one of them had a hurt knee.  So I found the lady whose arm had been healed and asked her if she knew another worker who had a hurt knee.  She pointed right to another lady and we went over there and prayed for her and her knee got better too!

So every morning they would come find me and I would pray for them and for there day and then they would call other workers over to get prayers of healing as well!

God is good!