The Memory of the Lost Son

The last two weeks I have been in Paraguay.  Once a year the different youth groups from the Mennonite churches come together for a “Youth Week.”  I had the amazing opportunity to be the speaker and one of the subjects they gave me to speak on was the...

Part 2: From Dinner Table to Revival

In my last blog post I asked the question “Is the Dinner Table the Vehicle for Revival?”  You can read that article here In that article I talked about 2 different sets of scripture where it seems like the place where the lost will be saved, healed and...

Is The Dinner Table The Vehicle for Revival?

A few weeks back I posted this quote from Steve Stewart on Facebook Revival isn’t your church being full, it’s your dinner table being full I never fully explained what I thought that meant.  So here it goes…. There are 2 sets of scripture that...

Brazil Update!

I wrote last week about trying to get to Brazil to train a handful of leaders in Evangelism. I have some good news & some bad news. Bad News First? I wasn’t able to get on a plane today to Brazil. Good News? The prices for the ticket to Brazil  tomorrow...