Our Week at a Glance: Living with Purpose

This week I’ve given a lot of thought to the things I want to accomplish.  I want my family to know God and make Him known.  I want us to do missions as a family.  I want my kids to be be firmly secure in who they are and to successfully navigate life without me...

Our Week at a Glance: He is Alive

What I’m Celebrating Easter is like the Super Bowl of Christianity.  You gather together with people you see once a year to watch the big show.  Go, Team Jesus!  So, sometimes I get a little carried away when it comes to Easter.  I start thinking that we are...

Our Week at a Glance: Springing Up

We have had quite a week! RK met his weight loss goals and placed second in the UFC weight loss competition. Keahi did some street evangelism at Pizza Night.  I started a cleaning company. One of the guys at our church got a job in the nick of time keeping himself and...

Our Week at a Glance: Flaming On

  The week started off in typical fashion with a trip to Hanauma Bay.  I’m kidding.  There wasn’t anything typical about it.  And anyone who lives here would know how much of a pain it can be to get down into that bay.  That was just a bit of humor...

Our Week at a Glance: Spring Break

The kids have been on Spring Break and I have to say that I’m loving it!  I feel refreshed!  The laundry is still piled high but I’m okay with that.  It is truly amazing what some rest and relaxation can do!  So we’ve been enjoying the company of...

Our Week at a Glance: Churchin’ It Up

What I’m Celebrating Our girls started their own church today at 6 and 7 years old.  I can hardly believe it.  I love it! Last week Sunday as I was walking to church and I started thinking that our kids really should be doing church.  I wasn’t exactly sure...

Our Week at a Glance: Catching Up

RK went on a trip last week and came back on Tuesday which means we’ve spent the week playing catch up.  The clean laundry has gone from being a molehill to being a full-blown mountain.  I don’t even know where to start!  Well, at the very least,...

Our Week at a Glance: Growing Up

Last week was wild and busy and crazy. This week we’re playing catch up and it has been something of a challenge. We have a mountain of laundry and we finally went grocery shopping. We’re missing the YWAM group that had been helping us. It was our first...

Our Week at a Glance: New Beginnings

What I’m Loving I spent the last few days (after 9 whole months) waiting for my niece to be born.  It seemed to take forever. She was due on the fifteenth and it seemed like my sister Marissa was progressing on schedule.  The only problem was that our other sister...

2016 A Blessed Year!

2016 has been a blessed year for New Life City Waikiki. In 2016, we launched several members of our church family back out into the world, helped 2 get and stay off drugs, taught in 4 Discipleship Training Schools with YWAM, trained 4 churches to heal the sick and...