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Updates & Blogs
For the 97%
Kintsugi and My Life
The Japanese have this beautiful thing built into their culture called kintsugi. When a piece of pottery breaks, instead of throwing it out, the piece is put back together and the cracks are filled with lacquer and gold. The flaw is seen as part of the object’s...
Fun In Capiibury
This past week was wonderful. We ended up going on an outreach with our YWAM staff to a place called Capiibary. It is one of the cities we're focusing on right now. There were so many good things that one couldn't possibly share them all. Here are a few highlights...
Paraguay Update – Covid Captivity & Our New Place
Just wanted to give you a quick update on what's happening down in Paraguay. When we arrived we had to do a mandatory 14 Day Quarantine which Keahi aptly named "Covid Captivity" (Keahi daily vlogged the Covid Captivity from her perspective. I embedded a playlist of...
Pleasant Places
Catching Up With The CastillosHi All! Here is your weekly dose of “Catching Up with the Castillos,” a look at what we’ve been up to or will be doing soon. What We’ve Been Enjoying The home that we’re staying in has been such a huge blessing. The three bedroom, 2...
Peace & Blessings
Here is your weekly dose of “Catching Up with the Castillos,” a list of what we’ve been up to or will be doing soon. What We’ve Been Enjoying We decided to take a bit of a road trip this week as we celebrated Kalena's 11th birthday. A very generous friend had given...
Demanding Fruit
Here is your weekly dose of “Catching Up with the Castillos,” a look at what we’ve been up to or will be doing soon. What We’ve Been Enjoying We all enjoyed hearing RK preach on Sunday. Since there is no childrens’ program at this time, the kids got to sit in the...
Catching Up With The Castillos
Last week, after spending 3 hours meeting with our Paraguay team over Zoom, we decided that we should just go and visit them. Like us, the team has been in quarantine on the YWAM base in Kansas City, Missouri. Our team from Paraguay had been doing an internship in...
Hope For Families
Have you ever looked at someone and thought, “that person is hopeless.” I have a confession. Sometimes, despite everything I’ve been taught about what a good Christian should and should not think, I have thought these things. And there have been many times when I’ve...
Fishing Tales – Weekly Encouragement from the Castillos
Kid Funnies Rejection Challenge RK taught in the Discipleship Training School (DTS) and YWAM Honolulu this past week. On the first day of that week he gave the students a “Rejection Challenge”. In this challenge, each of the students are encouraged to try to tell 5...